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Dear Friend

 Greetings !!

 I come to you with a sincere heart believing in Almighty God that you will   consider my plight and come to help and also benefit from me=2E I am Mrs=2E   Amina Mohammed=2C cousin and Personal Assistant to formerNigeria Head   of State=2C Late General Sanni Abacha who died on the 8th July1998 while in   power=2E Before I proceed please accept my apology for the embarrassment   this mail might cause you for coming from a total stranger who you do not   know=2E Actually I got your contact from the Internet=3B please do not feel bad   about it because I am compelled to reach you due to urgent need to   safeguard the money in question=2E Once again=2C forgive me and come to my   aid=2E Please read the following carefully=2E Sometime in early 1997=2C my boss   late Gen=2E Sanni Abacha entrusted to me the sum of US$20=2E5M in cash   =28Twenty million=2C five hundred thousand US dollars=29due to the trust and   confidence he had in me=2E This money was meant for campaign in his   self-succession id but unfortunately he suddenly died before actualization   of his aspiration=2E This amount of $20=2E5M in CASH was deposited with a   security company which I will disclose in subsequent mail in a giant trunk   box as diplomatic consignments In agreement with Mr=2EMohammed   Abacha who is the son of late General Abacha and the heir to the money=2E I   write to solicit your assistance for the money to be transferred to your   custody=2E Note that Mr=2EMohammed Abacha is currently in detention by the   present Nigeria Government for reasons linked to activities of his father   when he was in power=2E Now based on the business trust I have on you=2C I   would want you to come forward and receive this consignment containing   the money in cash on our behalf from the security company for   subsequent disbursement between you and us=2E Understand that we are   soliciting your assistance because the present Nigerian Government is   seizing=2Ffreezing any Bank Account or valuables belonging to the late Head   of state's family and relatives=2E In fact we do not have enough money now to   sustain our family so=2C I will appreciate if you can consider our plight and   assist us=2E For your assistance=2C we have agreed to compensate you with 20%   of the total amount =28$20=2E5=29 while the remaining 80% is for us=2E We hope to   invest part of our share in your country on viable area of investment as   you may advise us=2E If you are interested you will need to visit the Security   Company for clearance of the consignment=2E I assure you that the   transaction is 100% risk free=2E Please I implore you to keep this transaction   absolutely secret against negative exposure=2E I would want you to contact   me immediately so that we can proceed with the business=2E You should   please on reply enclose your private telephone=2C fax number so that we can   have more confidential correspondence=2E 

Best regards=2C 

Mrs=2EAmina Mohammed=2E